Meet the Founder
The Origin
Our Founder, Edward Searcy II, is a native of Thomaston, Ga. Edward’s upbringing occurred between two neighboring cities of Thomaston and Barnesville. His heart for giving and passion for helping others become OVERCOMERS of life circumstances originates from this humble beginning.
The Seed
Where did this vision of change begin? Edward remembers being five years old experiencing divorced parents and living in a single-mother household where he was an only child starting on a journey of survival. Interestingly enough, Edward also experienced a two-parent household through his father remarrying, later becoming the eldest brother of two younger siblings. Edward, like many others, was still exposed to low-income levels, low socioeconomic status, scarce resources, crime, drugs, and alcoholism that plagued his communities. Inadvertently, this led to the implantation of a seed that would evolve unknowingly into a life of advocacy and commitment to others.
The Watering
While attending college, Edward realized he was still in survival mode and really never knew who or what he was to be in life. When Edward eventually returned home, he saw the recycling of things he thought were long left behind; the seed inside him grew, realizing it was time to rebirth and restructure an Organized Youth Program similar to the ones that encouraged him and others to become difference makers when he was a youth. This program will inspire youth desiring to escape the environments that are in more distress and living conditions we are all facing now. The goal is for these youth to become successful, reach back, give back and make positive changes in their community.
The Rooting
As you see, Edward’s compassion for socioeconomic change was his realization that his belonging and identification of who he was and has always been, was right there in his home communities. Edward, becoming a Husband, Father, Entrepreneur, Pastor and Community Activist realized that he was called to advocate for the youth who are having trouble finding their sense of belonging and identifying themselves through the lack of guidance and being exposed to different thriving environments socially and economically. Edward knew that it was important for youth to witness the success of escaping the low socioeconomic status they are in by no choice of their own.
The Growth
This testament led Edward into becoming the husband, father, entrepreneur, pastor and community activist devoting his life to being a Change Agent. Edward’s heart reaches out to his home communities and wherever the vision and goals to make a change is accepted. This vision is coming to life through the teamwork of his wife, children, and fellow believers of the vision.
The Bloom
Justifying Our Youth Community Development Program Incorporated was birthed into existence by a dedicated team to make an impact in the life of one child at a time, impacting one community at a time.